Abby’s Essentials For success

Of course there’s more to know than this— but these are 7 things to commit to memory first.

Abby’s 7 Essentials

  1. Products must be uploaded to your item log in order to be on the website (allow for a one week window).

  2. No cash or Venmo will be accepted at pop-ups, ONLY SQUARE card reader.

  3. In order to go live on the site and participate— you will need to have: Signed Agreement, Signed W9, Paid Involvement Fee, and Signed up for

  4. Find all your website orders in your Creator Folder— these include on-campus pick-up AND off-campus shipping orders. 

  5. GroupMe & Email will be our main communication tools, so make sure to have notifications enabled.

  6. The Sign-Up Sheet located in your Creator Folder is where you will sign up for all Student-Made events

  7. Active participation is the key to success— make sure to promote yourself, participate in events, ask questions, and learn!