Processing orders

Have an order to fulfill? Look no further to figure out how to get your product from your inventory to the customer!

On Campus Orders

On Campus pickups are very common throughout the school year. We want to ensure that customers receive their products in a timely manner and the creators deliver the order safely. Here are the steps of on-campus pickups.


Check out the order in your Creator Folder when the website manager notifies you. There will be a PDF with the order, customer name, and method of contact for the customer. 


The Order Status Log will already have your name, the specific order number, the date the order was placed. Then you should put the date in which you contact the customer, which is the next step! If the order is from multiple creators, only one needs to fill out the log.



Contact the customer! You should text or email the customer as soon as you receive the order to organize a pick up date and time.

NOTE* ALL on campus pickups should take place in the central, public location that your manager team has selected. For more questions, please contact one of the seven managers. This ensures your safety. 


Deliver the product! Even if the order includes multiple creators, you can still deliver yours separately (unlike with shipped orders). We just want to make sure that it is delivered within 2 weeks of when the order is placed, unless it is extremely customizable. In which case you should communicate that to the customer. 


Write the date that you delivered the order! You MUST remember to do this step so the website manager is up to date, and can properly mark your order fulfilled, and you can be paid. Then the order is complete and you can move the PDF receipt from “See New Orders” to the “Completed Orders” folder in your Creator Folder.

Off-campus Shipping

Off-campus orders are very exciting because it means that someone off-campus is supporting the Student-Made community! When they choose off-campus, they will automatically be charged a shipping cost, so you do not have to worry about that. Here are the steps of an off campus order. 


Check out the order in your Creator Folder when the website manager notifies you. There will be a PDF with the order, customer name, and method of contact for the customer. 


The Order Status Log will already have your name, the specific order number, the date the order was placed. Then you should put the date on which you contact the customer, which is the next step! If the order is from multiple creators, only one needs to fill out the log, which you can decide amongst yourselves. You also must ensure that all the products in the order are shipped out together. If your product is going to take more time to complete, you must keep your website manager informed about that.


When you are ready to ship, write “yes” under the “Ready for Shipping Label” column on the Order Status Log and contact your website manager. Once again, unless the product is very customizable, you must ship it within two weeks of receiving the order. NOTE*: You MUST ship the package within 48 hours of receiving the shipping label as the label will expire after that. So only ask when you are absolutely ready for it. 


In the Order Status Log, mark the date that you ship the package out! Then the order is complete and you can move the PDF receipt from “See Your New Orders” to the “Completed Orders” folder in your Creator Folder.