As a Founder, one of the most common questions you get asked is…

I will never get sick of answering it! Want to know why?

Because it refreshingly brings me right back to the very beginning– when Student-Made was nothing but loose thoughts and far-fetched ideas.

For me, this was an especially exciting (and nerve wracking) time, because these thoughts were completely new to me.

I was not an entrepreneurship major… or even a business major! I had literally never even stepped foot in the business school on our campus before.

So, I mean it when I say I truly could not have been further removed from this whole idea of business.

I was flooded with doubts. My head was spinning with so many questions…

I had it in my head that there was a certain type of person that could start a business and earn the label of “entrepreneur.” I just never thought that could be me.

Luckily, what I lacked in confidence at the time, I made up for in inspiration.

I had to try it, even if I didn’t fit the mold that I had conjured up in my head about what a successful entrepreneur looks like

I had successfully taken Student-Made from an idea to a reality with the execution of our first-ever pop-up shop, featuring 15+ student-creators of all kinds across our campus

I was pushed in ways that I never was before.

I had to overcome obstacles that didn’t immediately come with solutions, rely heavily on my instinct and creativity, get comfortable with not knowing the right answers

And most importantly — make others feel connected to my idea and understand its worth.

I not only got to learn, but put into practice countless new skills that I didn’t even know I had within me

It was invigorating! It helped me develop a new-found confidence to believe in my ideas and achieve things I’m passionate about. It gave me all of the momentum I needed to keep going!

Helping student-entrepreneurs was the spark to the mission of course, but there is a personal side to it as well, which continues to be my fuel today:

The invaluable lessons and insight into myself that turning an idea into a reality gives me

Students who had ideas and were making things, but maybe didn’t think they fit the mold of an entrepreneur either

And support others in knowing that they belong in this space too… even if they had never stepped foot in their business school, just like me! 

is the skills that you learn in figuring out what the heck being an entrepreneur means anyway!

Because I believe uncovering the entrepreneur inside of you will serve you in anything and everything you plan to do in life.


Take this inspiration with you all month on your screensaver!


