So, when I applied to go to Troy University, I wanted to go there because it was one of the best schools for performing arts; and I was determined to ensure that I would be taking all the right steps to get to my goal of being an actor.
However, as I have been exploring college for all that it has to offer, God has directed my life into a completely different direction; and without that guidance I would not be writing about my experience as the Social Media Manager for Student-Made Troy!
I have been pursuing potential career fields and extracurricular activities that I would have never touched in high school. Because of this, I have been able to enhance my strengths, as well as discover new ones that I didn’t know that I had prior to coming to college.
Before managing Instagram for Student-Made Troy, I led the social media of other clubs and organizations which sparked my interest in PR. Alongside this, my sister recently graduated college with a degree similar and I received a lot of insight about PR from her which led me to eventually changing my major to Communications recently.
I believe that my intuition is leading me in the right direction for my future and I can’t wait to see what studying Communications can do for me!
I feel that being given so much trust by the Student-Made Team to work alongside the Content Creation Manager, Caroline, to create an appropriate brand for our campus’ branch has made it so much easier to produce natural content.
We are able to bounce off of one another and make content that truly comes from us rather than conforming to heavy restrictions that could be set on us, thus allowing me to feel confident in the posts that I make because I know that it was the best I could produce because it is 100% us.
I can proudly say that everyone gets along so well together, and it is truly such a safe and inviting space that I feel makes us so productive even though this is our first year being open, as well as being the first brick and mortar retail space. I feel that everyone has been very patient and reassuring with one another, which allows us to have more fun and make great memories together as the foundational managers of Student-Made Troy!
After looking on the website and seeing the manager positions that were offered, I don’t know what it was, but I felt heavily inclined to apply. I knew that if I got hired as Social Media Manager, I would get to obtain a glimpse into what my potential career could look like, and it was an opportunity I felt I needed to experience to see if I really wanted to major in Communications.
Luckily, I was hired over the summer after many interviews, and I could not be more grateful. Student-Made Troy has confirmed my enjoyment of Public Relations, and I have gained so much knowledge and experience through just one semester!
I feel that reaching that goal was like a pat on the back to tell me that what I was producing with Caroline was working, and the brand that we are creating together was representing our school correctly.
Initially, that was one of the main things that I was worried about prior to working on the Instagram account because I knew that I was very new to the world of Public Relations and I can sometimes be a perfectionist when it comes to trying new things. However, being around managers, creators, and other branches that were always available to help and provide advice made me feel much more confident in my abilities as I continued to post during the first semester.
Alongside that, I feel motivated to get back into the swing of things for spring semester because it brings me joy to know that I am making content and doing work that I know will benefit me in numerous ways as I continue to develop my PR experience.
Overall, Student-Made came into my life when I shifted gears in my college career and needed a sign that I was making the right decision, and I cannot wait to see where Student-Made takes me in the future.