‘Refreshing My Relationship with Creativity’

Sometimes in life we seek out positive influences, and other times the most profound ones just come to us. That’s how we feel today about Ryan Christiano. We reached out to her simply because she takes full advantage of every opportunity available to her at Student-Made UNC, and so we wanted to give her a stage to share this electric passion & dedication of hers. When I finished reading the last line of her story, I couldn’t do anything besides sit there frozen… I was struck. Maybe you’ll feel the same way.

In my youth, drawing was my only hobby and passion. But after years of meticulous practice, I realized that I created art in order to earn the validation of an audience. I felt immense social pressure to outdo myself and make each drawing more impressive than the last. Seldom did I allow myself to fail, experiment, or accurately show emotion through my work. In October, the creative prowess which had both defined and empowered me disappeared. I put pencil to paper, and I was met with a series of failed attempts to make something worthy of being perceived. I haven’t drawn since.

A fresh start and a new creative outlet were necessary for my personal growth. Making jewelry allowed me to design something freely without the mental strain of creating every single element from scratch. The components were already crafted by someone else, awaiting careful arrangement by my hand. 

After four months of navigating my newfound hobby, I no longer burden myself with producing work for the spectacle. Instead, I pour a bit of myself into everything I make in order to bring joy to my supporters, whom I do not chase nor beg for recognition. I revive old materials that would otherwise find themselves in a landfill. In essence, each of my customers receives a sculpture that adorns their body. Every piece is made for someone, speaks to someone, embodies someone. I’m willing to wait an eternity for each of my pieces to find its soulmate. 

My work is inspired by a variety of things, the first being the natural world. I appreciate the duality of nature; the rose and the thorn, the storm and the calm, the harsh tundra winters and temperate sunlit springs which all interconnect. There are so many flora and fauna that are simply gorgeous to look at, that have intricate patterns or vivid colors. Aside from nature, pop culture gives me a myriad of ideas. Fictional characters and the worlds they inhabit inspire a lot of my necklaces, and so do my favorite games, shows, and bands. I’m currently planning a collection based on Mario Kart, because it’s my favorite comfort game, and another collection based on various album covers from The Damned, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Iron Maiden, Smashing Pumpkins and Blondie. 

To anyone trying to find their creative passion, I advise that they never let that passion become a chore. Making jewelry is like solving a pretty, colorful puzzle to me; the process is both rewarding and therapeutic. Pumping out as many products as possible will burn you out fast, and you won’t know until it’s too late. Your relationship with creativity is not so different from your relationship with a partner; it is natural for it to have its ups and downs, but if it doesn’t serve you or make you happy, take a much-needed break or call it off. If you feel like you’re starting to hate your hobby, stop dead in your tracks and pack it up until you feel truly inspired. If you don’t, you may grow to resent something that you once loved, and there’s little that can be done to recover that love once it’s lost.

Although being the owner of Onyx Ornamentum has its own ups and downs, it makes the not-so-fun parts of life more bearable. Work and academia are less daunting when I can look forward to Student-Made events and creating things I love in my free time. 

I could not ask for a better group of loving friends and respectable business owners than those I have met through Student-Made. Their creativity bolsters my own, and the community makes me feel welcome. 

At times I miss the talent I once had, and the person I was when I had it, but starting Onyx Ornamentum has given me a new sense of purpose. Moving forward with it, I plan to expand my reach, build an audience on more social media platforms, and continue the business on my own website after I graduate. I would never have guessed that taking this leap of faith and joining Student-Made would lead to such great bonds and memories. I excitedly await what’s to come. 


Check Out Onyx Ornamentum!


