Based on a stat from Entrepreneur, there was a jump from 44% in Millennials to 53% among Gen Z. What are the main reasons for this?
This trend will continue growing even more rapidly as we look toward the newest generation, Gen-Alpha—where “a staggering 69% say they've started or plan to start a side hustle.”
Living costs are rising, and young people are thinking smart about money. As the heart of Gen Z (age 13-28) is going through college right now, universities are having to adapt to this need more than ever.
Not only because these tools make it easier to build a brand and grow a following, but also because people are able to draw inspiration and self-confidence from seeing others start AND succeed in running all kinds of small businesses.
What’s exciting about this trend is that the mindset of our younger generation is getting more entrepreneurial by the day. We are thinking more creatively, exploring new concepts, taking risks, and seeing where we can make an impact.
And these skills are demanded in today’s workplace– as many college students are graduating without ever gaining the kind of real world feedback on their ideas like we see in Student-Made.
Working alongside Entrepreneurship Centers across the country who see how impactful supporting young, creative entrepreneurs can be.