HI from the whole team HERE at Student-Made!

We are so eager to share this welcome message with you and all your fellow Creators + Managers joining this program across 7 campuses. We want to wish you the best possible Fall 2023 Launch!

We use this word “program,” because that is how we encourage you to think about your involvement over these next several months— no matter where you may stand now on your entrepreneurial or managerial journey.

We are all here to learn and improve together, with the support of one another throughout this network. And we hope you will be with us for many semesters to come– seeing exponential growth in yourself that we know is possible from one to the next.

Lindsay, our ever-smiley co-founder & CEO and author of our monthly ‘Lindsay’s Letter’ series.

Abby, our leading customer (actually) and Program Operations Manager, who you can come to with any questions or ideas about the program on your campus.

Ryan, our slightly less smiley co-founder and communications lead– bringing you this weekly newsletter series and Student-Made Stories Podcast.

Sara, our purveyor of southern wisdom and go-to for ALL things finance, legal, and your business’ relationship with Student-Made.


These three all-stars are dedicated to overseeing the success of your campus— ensuring that all Creators + Managers are being provided the resources needed for a great experience. They also serve as a link between our network of campuses!

All the magic that happens behind the scenes? It couldn’t be done without these people— helping grow our program to where it is today. As students or recent grads, they’re earning professional experience in future career paths.

Looking for internship experience? Inquire here about ways you can get involved!


This exponential growth we mentioned above— we know it can happen for you because we’ve seen it to be true of our own program over just the past 3 years! And we’re so thrilled to be sharing all these unique and exciting opportunities we’ve developed to help YOU tap into it.

As we’ll be linking out to your Resource Portal frequently in these letters— we want to make sure you’re familiar with this go-to destination for everything you need to succeed.

Portal Password: Creator2023
Linked at the bottom of your campus’ online shop!


Now that you know a little more about us and our goals for you, we want to thank you for completing all your necessary (and maybe not-so-joyous) tasks for becoming an official Creator with us.


We welcome you to learn more about why each of these is necessary for your involvement, and view the full checklist of “must-do’s” in your Portal below!

We hope these steps were a bit more fun + creative for you than the legal and financial ones… and while we do require a few necessary “must-do’s” before becoming a Student-Made Creator— we can promise that far more of what we’ll be sending your way is meant to encourage you to thrive.

Like this quick + easy resource below, for example!

Kicking off our newsletter series each month, our co-founder shares a motivational message with this community from her own experience growing Student-Made to the brand it has become today.

Want to dive deeper into this monthly topic, and share your own experience? Join Lindsay for our 30 minute ‘Coffee w/ The Co-Founder’ event each month!

We will be picking out key aspects of our program that we want to make sure you are taking advantage of— and reminding you of tools to help you succeed. AND, we’ll even be shouting out one campus doing an impressive job!

Ryan’s personal favorite thing about Student-Made? Getting to share the story of YOUR powerful journey as a Creator or Manager. Each month, you’ll learn about two amazing members of this community… will you be one of them?

Enjoy all our major highlights from the past month, wrapped up in a nice bow in your inbox! Use this as a time for reflection, gratitude, and strategizing for an even better upcoming month.


Speaking of sharing the energy of our awesome community, check out a few members we’ll be featuring throughout this semester…

Let’s have one incredible semester, folks. We can’t wait to see what greatness YOU will do– from your Success Managers, to the Student-Made Team, to your campus community, to our growing network of campuses across the country– we’re all here rooting for you!!!

Want to refer back to all our email content without searching through your inbox history? Easily find them right in your Resource Portal Blog!


